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End User License Agreement

Hello, we are CD PROJEKT RED and we are happy that you are interested in using The Witcher 3 REDkit! REDkit is a software tool which allows creation and development of modifications ("Mods") for our video game – The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

These are the legal rules (we’ll call them “Rules”) which we ask you to follow if you download, install or use W3Editor in any way.

1. EULA – about the rules
These Rules are a legally binding contract between you and CD PROJEKT S.A, with its seat at ul. Jagiellonska 74; 03-301, Warsaw, Poland (we may further call ourselves “CD PROJEKT RED” as CD PROJEKT S.A. is the legal entity CD PROJEKT RED is part of) regarding your use of REDkit.

Please make sure you also read our:
  1. Fan Content Guidelines (further also as "FCG") - which explain what you can and cannot do with content derived from or based on our products, including The Witcher games;
  2. general CD PROJEKT RED User Agreement - which covers general legal matters relating to most of our games (including The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt) and things like customer and technical support, official forums, wikis, blogs and social media services;
  3. CD PROJEKT RED Privacy Policy – which details CD PROJEKT RED’s collection, usage and protection of your personal information. All of these documents form part of this Agreement and we may update these from time to time. You may also need to agree and follow terms and conditions of any digital distribution platforms which you use to download The Witcher 3 REDkit (i.a GoG or Steam).
2. What do you get from us with REDkit?
CD PROJEKT RED gives you the personal right (called a 'license' legally) to:
  1. download,
  2. install and
  3. use
The Witcher 3 REDkit on your personal device (PC only) as long as you follow these Rules.

This license is for your personal and non-commercial use only and doesn't give you ownership rights.
At all times we continue to own the entirety of The Witcher 3 REDkit, its documentation, any updates or additional content for REDkit, including manuals or other materials about them and the intellectual
property rights in them, including all copyright, trademarks, patents and other legal things like that.

The Witcher 3 REDkit might contain open source libraries. Your use of REDkit may therefore be subject to applicable open source licenses, to which you agree. You will find these licenses within REDkit.
3. What is not allowed?
Please act reasonably and don’t do anything with REDkit that is against the law, these Rules or CD PROJEKT RED User Agreement.

A general list of what you should not do with any of our games and services may be found in the CD PROJEKT RED User Agreement.
4. Mods
You may use Mods created and developed with REDkit only as part of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt game (and not with other games or on a standalone basis) and only for non-commercial purposes. At the same time we do not claim any ownership of Mods. 

We do not monitor or endorse any Mods, nor are we responsible for any problems caused by Mods. 
Please remember that You are responsible for the Mods you create. You retain the right to your original Mods, but you grant us a license to use your Mod (explained in detail in our Fan Content Guidelines), so that we can let others use your Mods together with REDkit and The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt.

Please refer to our FCG to learn about other rules that apply to your Mods - for example that the Mods must not infringe anyone's intellectual property rights or be offensive. We may block the access to Mods that breach those rules.

Sometime in the future we may, independently from your Mod, create and publish content for The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt which may be similar or identical to the content of your Mod. You waive any intellectual property (or other) claims you may have against us in relation to such content. 

5. Technical restrictions (non-PC platforms)
Together with REDkit we are going to implement some additional features to our services (like REDLauncher) to let you toggle through Mods installed on your device or easily turn on/off the Mods, but as The Witcher 3 REDkit is a PC exclusive tool you may face some technical restrictions or limitations in using Mods on other platforms (like XBOX or Playstation). We do not take responsibility of Mods working properly with non-PC platforms.

Please keep in mind that our cross-progression system also may not work correctly with the modded game saves (saved on PC) on other platforms where Mods are not supported.
6. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt update(s)
To ensure the best modding experience we will provide The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt with a special update that will enhance the compatibility of the game with REDkit. Following the aforementioned we highly encourage you to keep the game up to date.
7. Other Legal Stuff
As you see, this is a short document and we may amend these Rules over time. If so, we'll post an updated version and make reasonable efforts to notify you, where possible. Once we change these Rules, it will become legally binding on you 30 days after we post it online.

Please also remember that these Rules are supplemented by the CD PROJEKT RED User Agreement. These Rules are here for a reason. As a result, if you break any of them or CD PROJEKT RED User Agreement, we reserve the right to cancel or suspend your access to REDkit.